Multilingual Translation, Editing and Proofreading
26/09/2010 10:48A successful Localization process should make your customers feel as though the product has been modeled and manufactured in their native country. It understands their vernacular, cultures and their customs in business.
Yitejia Translation Service achieves this effect by employing thousands of native, locally based Translators to guarantee that your products are marketable to their compatriots.
Our team of Translators does not just produce literal translations of words and phrases. They take into account the necessary cultural, national and linguistic elements and apply them to your products. This adds a sensitive touch to your product, enabling quick and increased market adoption. This is done with an on-demand scalability to meet your deadlines, which in turn captures a larger market share and more revenue.
Catering to every individual need,Yitejia provides companies in various industries the guidance required to sustain and increase profitability.
With Technology:
With the aid of the latest technology, professionals modify software, help systems, hardware and associated applications to ensure that they are legible and well-understood.
With Web Content:
Our global team of native linguists, in collaboration with our in-house team of web technology specialists, analyzes and carefully translates your website content so that they are readily accepted in the target markets.
As a value-add and to ensure that your localized websites rank well in Multilingual Search Engines of Yahoo and Google as well as popular country-specific Search Engines such as Baidu in China and Nifty in Japan among your competitors online, your translated site content as well as meta keywords are optimized in the localization process and made search engine optimization (SEO) ready.
With Audio Recording:
The addition of an audio clip to your visuals can greatly enhance the experience of understanding the product. Here at Yitejia, experts can advise you on how to effectively apply audio on scripts and visual content.
With E-Learning:
Our implementation of localized e-learning requires thorough understanding of technical, cultural and vernacular matters.
With Life Sciences:
This area requires careful treading with regulations and safety measures. Verztec consultants are equipped with industry understanding for a successful implementation.