Technical Translation Service in China
25/09/2010 21:48
When translating technical documents it's essential that all the terminology is translated correctly. Taken to an extreme, technical translation can literally be the difference between life and death. Though that may sound a little dramatic, imagine if a slight misinterpretation in an installation manual meant that wires were connected incorrectly.
That's why it is absolutely necessary that the translators working on your document have proven expertise in your field.
Using the Correct Language
For a translator working on a railway engineering text, for example, a plain and simple train transforms into a Pandora's box of terminological mix-ups:
- Overhead line or contact wire?
- Pantograph or current collector?
Finding the right technical name for train parts can be a daunting task even for a translator with an engineering background. Why? Because a current collector in electrical engineering becomes a pantograph in railway parlance.
A translator may boast of excellent language and engineering skills, but would be literally at a loss for words, unless they are familiar with technical jargon in both languages. To complicate matters, there are regional differences in names: A freight car in America becomes a wagon in England; a railcar refers to a diesel multiple unit (DMU) in Ireland.
Glossaries and Translation Memory
These examples for railway translation show that getting translations right isn't as easy as it may seem. There can be significant differences in English terminology between seemingly similar fields. To ensure that the correct language is used we will work with you to agree translated glossaries of terms specific to your company or industry.
We'll also use translation memory to ensure that paragraphs and sections of text which are repeated throughout your documents are re-used by our translators. Translation memory helps to increase quality and turnaround of your translations. It also helps with cost as previously translated text is charged at a reduced rate.
Quality Controlled Specialist Translators
Whether it be aircraft, construction, agriculture or any other specialist subject, technical translation must be perfect. That's why we only use translators with a proven track record and solid technical understanding when working on technical documents.
We work with over 6,000 in-country translators from around the globe, giving us access to every conceivable type of industry specific knowledge All our translators are thoroughly checked to confirm their technical expertise.
We will always work with you, and where possible your in-country reviewers, to ensure that the style and knowledge of the translators involved meet exactly with your requirements.To ensure that the translations we deliver to you are as accurate as possible, we ensure that at every point in the translation process, quality checks are built in.When translating technical documents it's essential that all the terminology is translated correctly. Taken to an extreme, technical translation can literally be the difference between life and death. Though that may sound a little dramatic, imagine if a slight misinterpretation in an installation manual meant that wires were connected incorrectly.
That's why it is absolutely necessary that the translators working on your document have proven expertise in your field.